Expand description

Interoperability library for Rust Windowing applications.

This library provides standard types for accessing a window’s platform-specific raw window handle. This does not provide any utilities for creating and managing windows; instead, it provides a common interface that window creation libraries (e.g. Winit, SDL) can use to easily talk with graphics libraries (e.g. gfx-hal).

Safety guarantees

Please see the docs of HasRawWindowHandle.

Platform handle initialization

Each platform handle struct is purposefully non-exhaustive, so that additional fields may be added without breaking backwards compatibility. Each struct provides an empty method that may be used along with the struct update syntax to construct it. See each specific struct for examples.


Raw window handle for Android NDK.

Raw window handle for AppKit.

Raw window handle for Haiku.

Raw window handle for the Redox operating system.

Raw window handle for UIKit.

Raw window handle for Wayland.

Raw window handle for the Web.

Raw window handle for Win32.

Raw window handle for WinRT.

Raw window handle for Xcb.

Raw window handle for Xlib.


An enum to simply combine the different possible raw window handle variants.


Window that wraps around a raw window handle.